Information for Members
Rehearsals are held on a Tuesday at 7.30pm at
Easingwold Methodist Church, Chapel Street, YO61 3AF
The Annual General Meeting is held in October each year when the Committee is elected.
In September 2010 the Constitution was reviewed and amended and subsequently accepted by the Charity Commission. Copies are available for all members upon request.
Communications: Regular newsletters are distributed to members to give relevant information and dates.
To enable the choir to provide this information, members must provide their written authority individually in accordance with the new Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into effect May 2018. ​
Subscriptions: These are due in September each year. Please pay them to the Treasurer and please Gift Aid if you can. The fees are currently £45 a year and are reviewed each year at the AGM.
In addition you are also welcome to become a Patron.​
Music: Copies of the current pieces are distributed by the Librarian - please contact her if you have any queries. There is a small fee to cover the cost of hire. Please bring a soft pencil and eraser to rehearsals to mark your copy as necessary. Assistance with your part can often be found on the Cyberbass or Learn Choral Music websites and the Musical Director will endeavour to suggest recordings where possible, which can be used for practice purposes. ​
Coffee Rota: If you have kindly volunteered to assist with the coffee break during a rehearsal, please provide a litre of fresh milk on the night. Tea, coffee, sugar and juices are kept in stock by the Committee. Instructions for use of the Church boiler are on display in kitchen. ​
Social Events: There are fundraising events planned during the singing season. Details available from the Committee. There is also an annual dinner usually held on the Tuesday following the May Concert.